Sundays 10/31, 11/07,  11/14 A section

The CLIMATE EMERGENCY: We Need to Face Reality.
Heat waves, droughts, floods, storms, fires and crop failures: all
will keep getting much worse for decades if we pursue the present
‘progressive’ goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.
We can and must reach carbon neutrality within years, not
decades in order to prevent unimaginable suffering and property
destruction, chaotic mass migrations of climate refugees, and a mass
extinction. We have to revamp industries and economic institutions
to stabilize the climate and improve people’s quality of life. This is an
ethical issue, it is about compassion for the poor, younger people,
and future generations. The highly industrialized countries must lead
and become a model for the world.
Climate-related projects should be public-private
partnership enterprises that may sell bonds and are obliged
to reinvest all profits in research and development, education
and expansion. We must halt building cars, trucks, highways,
airplanes, rockets, and weaponry. Investments must focus
• building trains, high-speed and light-rail mostly narrow-track;
and many types of ultra-light 2 to 4 wheel electric vehicles;
• using wood and bamboo in the construction of buildings and
light vehicles; all concrete must be carbon cured;
• reforming agriculture and land management, planting bamboo
and a trillion trees, with diets becoming mostly plant-based.
There must be high taxes on all greenhouse gas releases.
Legislation must reform our credit-based, profit-driven
consumption economy which breeds corruption, causes mental
disorders, and impedes democratic governance.
Governments must create, not borrow, new money for
climate-related projects and universal basic incomes, and laws
must severely limit lending by financial institutions. Important
economic activities must not rely on credit.
Societies must fight consumerism and addiction to wealth and
power, and promote sciences, ethics, and peace.
People readily adapt when changes are meaningful and involve
essentially everybody, and people are generally happier when daily
living is simpler, healthier, closer to nature, more socially connected,
and with more free time.
Paid for by Humane Civilization Worldwide

Climate Activists, Scientists, NGOs, Concerned People:
Please visualize and tell leaders specifically what the near future should
look like. We know: CO2 levels must be lowered within years, not
four decades, if we are to avert worsening heat waves, floods, storms,
forest fires, crop failures, mass migrations of climate refugees, and an
impending mass extinction.
We have to revamp industries and economic institutions to stabilize the
climate while improving people’s quality of life.
Steps to rapidly reach sustainability:
• Build comprehensive rail systems, including high-speed trains and
small narrow track light-rail trains to all neighborhoods and towns.
Develop and mass-produce many types of ultra-light 2-4 wheel
electric vehicles, with and without aerodynamic bodies.
• Reform agriculture and land management, plant bamboo and over
a trillion trees, protect and restore forests and wetlands, etc. Rapidly
transition to mostly plant-based diets.
• Largely replace aluminum and steel with recycled materials, wood,
and bamboo, particularly in light vehicles and buildings; use only
CO2-cured concrete – these materials sequester carbon.
• Highly tax fossil fuel use and any greenhouse gas releases.
Our officials must ignore lobbyists of banks and corporations.
The U.S. and Europe should lead, be models for poorer countries.
We all must save energy, decrease consumption, avoid waste. Education
efforts should focus on scientific thinking and ethics, teaching broad
cooperation, conflict resolution, and compassionate empathy without
us-against-them thinking.
If changes are meaningful, people readily adapt; and people are
generally happier when daily living is simpler, healthier, closer to
nature, more socially connected, and with more free time.
Climate-related projects should be public-private partnership
enterprises that may sell bonds but are obliged to reinvest all profits in
research and development, education and expansion. Legislation must
reform our profit-driven, credit-based consumption economy; it breeds
economic instability and corruption; it causes physical and mental
disorders. Laws must severely limit lending by financial institutions, and
governments must create, not borrow, new money for climate-related
projects and universal basic incomes.
Paid for by Humane Civilization Worldwide

And greenhouse gas emissions/releases higher than ever!
The international agreements are not working – we must visualize and
pursue different approaches.
IMAGINE: People receive a minimum guaranteed income as a global
human right. Public-private enterprises employ many, planting trees
and building trains, streetcars, small narrow-track light-rail lines, many
types of innovative ultra-light electric vehicles, and wind generators.
Governments focus on the production of healthy vegetarian nutrition
for everybody, on education, and on building small and tiny apartments
for small families, retirees, and the homeless. There is also government
support for enterprises that advance automation, build small air
conditioners without fluorocarbon refrigerants for cooling parts of
buildings, promote the use of wood, bamboo and recycled material
in place of metals, etc. People of highly industrialized areas and the
rising middle class of poor countries forgo or delay buying new clothes,
gadgets, junk; they eat much less meat, drive little, and heat and cool
their dwellings less. People live simpler, healthier, more leisurely, and
with more social interactions.
THE ALTERNATIVE: Extremely high CO2 levels leading to frequent,
extreme weather catastrophes, rising sea levels, as much as half a billion
climate refugees, and a mass extinction.
RATIONAL RESPONSE: The people who care about the future must
demand radical changes and be specific in their demands.
To realize meaningful projects, governments can create new money
without causing inflation, but they must severely restrict bank
lending – the irresponsible lending by financial institutions is the main
cause of inflation; bank loans mainly foster consumerism without
improving productivity.
Public-private partnership enterprises must receive funding, tens of
trillions of dollars worldwide, to execute needed changes without paying
profits to investors. The wealthy countries must lead.
People have to avoid the enticement of abuse-addiction behaviors,
particularly addictive consumerism and pursuit of excessive comfort;
some must address addictions to conspiracy theorizing or to wealth and
power. All countries must make efforts to halt destructive economic
growth, to pursue sciences and ethics, and to avoid dogmatic and
ideological thinking.
Paid for by Humane Civilization Worldwide

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